Google "guide to islam" and 100's of sites by Islamic apologists appear for your consideration. But perhaps you're looking for something a touch less adulatory? Critical guides do exist, but most are by Christian apologists. If you enjoy seeing pots calling kettles black, these sites can be entertaining.
If, however, you're just wondering if Islam really is the religion of Peace, Tolerance, Mercy, etc., and want the straight dope, then you want an equal-opportunity infidel as a guide, a true disbeliever, someone every true believer can point to and yell, "INFIDEL!!!".
The Infidel's Guide to Islam videos are offered for consideration. The intent here, folks, is to be informative, not malicious—the tenets of Islam and its prophet, however, are viewed from a non-believer's (non-JudeoChristianIslamic) POV, so Muslims be warned.
YouTube Versions Removed, so for those who would rather know than believe...
What sayeth the Quoran?
The Infidel's Guide to Islam 1: Introduction & Tolerance
The Infidel's Guide to Islam 1: Director's Commentary
The Infidel's Guide to Islam 2: Forgiving and Merciful